06.1- Traveling by Choice (English subtitles)
For me, traveling is a choice. For many, it's a necessity.
In this video, I want to show a different perspective on traveling and share the experience I had with people, who are not traveling for fun.
Inform yourself:
On the 15th of Mai 2022, 71,5% of Swiss citizens (who voted) said "yes" to boost funding of the European border agency "Frontex" «with up to CHF61 million ($60.8 million) annually by 2027». (https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-set-to-boost-funding-of-european-border-agency-poison/47552988?utm_campaign=teaser-in-channel&utm_source=swissinfoch&utm_medium=display&utm_content=o)
I think that most people are not aware of how hard those people have to suffer on their journey to Europe. I don't know how this must feel like, I can only imagine. Why can I go everywhere I want, just because the papers of my passport look different? Why I was born in one of the richest and safest countries in this world? What have I done to get this precious privilege? Nothing.
The intention behind this video is to give people a different perspective and to motivate them to expand their reality. Even though this reality isn't very pleasant.
No matter what's your opinion on this topic: I hope I could make you think about it.
Outro music: https://soundcloud.com/giosgiosgios/pcm
This video was made with love by Jan Lauber.